Thursday, April 2, 2015

3D Art

The artist of this piece is named Christy Dunn, she created it recently and uses the clay to create action teapots. She makes teapots into something you wouldn't normally see as a teapot. In the case of this work she may have rolled out coils to put the dragons body together or she could have formed the body and then hollowed it out. She then created the other parts of the dragon’s body and connected them all. The next step would have been putting in the details of the dragon and making it more life like as lifelike as a dragon can get.
This teapot reminds me of when I was a kid and I really wanted dragons to be real. I had books on them and thought they were really cool. I also think that it’s a really cool concept and layout for a teapot and makes it much more interesting than most designs that you see.

1 comment:

  1. I need to show you how to add images to your posts so we can see this dragon teapot!
