What music or songs reminds you of your childhood?
Staying Alive, Man Eater, Father Abraham. - DeClue
Modest Mouse, High School Musical, Across the Universe. - Me
Who is your favorite singer or group or song and why?
Simon and Garfunkel - DeClue
twenty one pilots - Me, I can connect to their lyrics
What music reminds you of someone you love? your child? Spouse? Parents?
70’s rock, The Doors. Her father was a carpenter and they listened to this music to get motivated to work. - Loudis
Jack Johnson always reminds me of my family and friends because we always listen to his music -Me
Do you go to concerts? Which concerts are memorable to you? Why?
Worked as a background dancer for Weird Al at Six Flags once and also really liked The Parishers because of the venue and cool vibe. - Loudis
I went to an All Time Low concert and got pulled on stage once, and twenty one pilots was really fun and my all time favorite concert. - Me
What radio stations do you normally listen to in your car? Do you sing along?
Indie Folk - Loudis
Indie, Alternative, Punk - Me
Which music or artist was “controversial” or “offensive” to some when you were growing up? Is any music offensive to you now?
Madonna, she was very sexual and open about it. - Fraser
Which music or artist do you really dislike or refuse to listen to?
The beatles, they’re overdone - DeClue
I'm a bit older than Declue I thought...yet he chose Simon and Garfunkel as his favorite group!?!? Interesting. I love Across the Universe so much...And I don't care what Declue says, I love the Beatles, too.