Tuesday, March 31, 2015

No regulars

Summer had begun a month ago, hot and dry, typical for the small town. There was a gas station, just on the outskirts of town, it catered to the ones just passing through. It was surrounded by many trees, in a lonely little spot. Away from the town, but not out of it either, just in a small little spot. There were no regulars here, just strangers. Evening was approaching as the afternoon hours slowly dwindled. Clouds had begun to roll in, the smell of rain was distant, hardly there, but there nonetheless. Low rumbles of thunder could be heard in the distant neighboring town.
The sky was no longer a soft summer blue, but a dark, mysterious grey. Rain had yet to fall but the smell of it was much more prominent and the air was so humid it felt wet. Lightning spread it’s veins, illuminating the sky in an electric blue color, soon followed by a rumble of thunder that could only mean one thing: A storm was coming, and not a small one either. One raindrop fell, and then all of them did, you couldn't see ten feet in front of you.
The gas station sat, the wind blowing the trees around it to the point where it seemed impossible that they were still standing. The owner sat watching the storm around him, he always loved them. Car after car began pulling into the parking lot, people began running in, taking cover from the hail that had started falling. The little store was packed, people were buying drinks and snacks, preparing to wait out the storm that was making driving an impossible task. The store owner smiled to the customers and welcomed everyone that came in, he talked to them and laughed with them, as they all stayed dry from the pouring rain. He always loved storms.


  1. I really love the imagery in the first couple of paragraphs and the idea of customers only passing through that you connected to the painting. Very insightful. Could I/we turn the first couple of paragraphs into a long narrative poem for Think.?

    1. Yeah that sounds, cool just tell me what all you need me to do for the poem

    2. Yeah that sounds, cool just tell me what all you need me to do for the poem

  2. See what you think of the line breaks and let me know if you want changes:

    Summer had begun a month ago,
    hot and dry, typical
    for the small town.
    There was a gas station,
    just on the outskirts of town,
    it catered to the ones
    just passing through.
    It was surrounded by many trees,
    in a lonely little spot.
    Away from the town,
    but not out of it either,
    just in a small little spot.
    There were no regulars here,
    just strangers.
    Evening was approaching
    as the afternoon hours
    slowly dwindled.
    Clouds had begun to roll in,
    the smell of rain was distant,
    hardly there, but there nonetheless.
    Low rumbles of thunder
    could be heard in the distant
    neighboring town.
    The sky was no longer
    a soft summer blue,
    but a dark, mysterious grey.
    Rain had yet to fall
    but the smell of it
    was much more prominent
    and the air was so humid
    it felt wet.
    Lightning spread it’s veins,
    illuminating the sky
    in an electric blue color,
    soon followed by
    a rumble of thunder
    that could only mean
    one thing:
    A storm was coming,
    and not a small one either.
    One raindrop fell,
    and then all of them did,
    you couldn't see
    ten feet in front of you.

    1. I like the line breaks, I don't think I'd change anything about it.

    2. I like the line breaks, I don't think I'd change anything about it.
